Orange Box Review

Zero Punctuation has an Orange Box review up!

Valve’s Team Fortress 2 Linux binaries. I can’t run  a server natively because for some reason Valve has required an obscure FCMOV processor compatibility on Windows but not on Linux! Argh! I could run it under Wine if I really need to but that’s annoying…

Categorized as Games


Up until these past few days, I’ve had only reputable scientists’ verdicts and indisputable scientific data and graphs. Now I have my own experience. Global warming is really happening, people. Is it normal to have to run the AC and sweat while mowing the lawn in OCTOBER?!

Al Gore, you were right, we’re sorry. You got elected, just not inaugurated. Get some position of governmental power and turn the US and the world around before it’s too late!

EDIT: Hehe.

Categorized as Nature?!

That’s the Gap?!

Check out this graph! (Source) This is what the Comcast-AT&T duopoly is doing the country! We need more options! People say “vote with your dollars” but we can’t: it’s either dial-up (shudder) or Comcast or AT&T, and maybe some other company if you’re very, very lucky. Some of us, such as at my dad’s house, don’t even have the option of AT&T and are forced to either use Comcast (which sucks) or find some other obscure connection.

When you do the math, you’ll find that according to that graph, Japan averages $16.50 for a 61Mb/s connection, and the US averages $16 for a 4.8Mb/s connection. This is bad.


Categorized as Politics


Rock, Paper, Shotgun has completed their TF2 class overview.

EDIT: Sweet!

EDIT2: Metastasis has updated its installer again.

Categorized as Games

MINERVA: Metastasis 3 Released!

Download here, and if you use BitTorrent, please be sure to seed! That brings me to my next topic: how Comcast is messing with BitTorrent traffic! Since I tend to be at Mom’s and subsequently using my much-more-dependable DSL service, I had only been reading about it up until now. Comcast is actively spoofing reset packets to BitTorrent seeds and the peers they attempt to connect with. This means seeding is impossible. Seconds in to establishing a connection, it will be ruthlessly slaughtered by Comcast’s packets sniffers. I find it amazing that Comcast thinks it can sell you a 3MBPs connection, (which they falsely claim is consistently faster than DSL, which it’s not, you can get higher peaks but you can’t depend on them) then tell you with a straight face that you can’t use all of it.

In worse news, it would seem that overheating was not all, or perhaps part, of my server’s problem. It just stopped responding again, and needed a hard reboot. I don’t know what the problem is, but I’m hoping I can find it and fix it. That’s really too bad that I spend $50 on a case that I thought I needed for stability but I guess I didn’t. :\

EDIT: Latest torrent with an exe installer instead of a zip went up on the 2nd of October. I’m seeding the exe now. I had 500 some MB on the zip.


What is wrong with the world?

I’ll just number them:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Categorized as Politics

Server Upgrade

It was down for an hour or so for a good reason: case swap.

My old case was horribly prone to overheating. The fan mounts allowed for pathetic amounts of airflow and seemed somewhat of a joke. The only fan was that in the cheap, possibly overheating PSU. When I get this case all set up, it will have three This case has two fans, not including the PSU. The old case tended to overheat to the point the computer would stop responding around once a month. The last straw was when it did so twice in around three days. I was going to get three 90mm PCI slot fans, (and I now just realized that this mobo only seems to have 2 PCI slots >.<) but ended up just fixing the base of the problem and getting a better case. A better PSU helps too. Hooray for Vertex!

EDIT: The final fan mount isn’t fitting. I’m going to see if I can get a fan that fits.

EDIT2: Oh. It’s not a fan mount. That makes sense, then. I’m glad they let me return the fan.

Categorized as Hardware