Well This is Upsetting

I got Ubuntu to install. I set the BIOS to use AHCI, and added pci=nomsi to the end of the command line, and it worked, albiet somewhat slowly. Point is it’s installed now. The next problem in this seemingly unending road of setbacks is that although the sound works, it’s glitchy. It stutters. It’s not the speakers, I’ve tried both speakers, and headphones. I guess hopefully I can get this sorted out, and if not, we’re a $10 sound card away from getting it working, anyway.


Turns out the motherboard I’m using is horribly supported by the kernel that the 8.04 LiveCD runs. It’s a struggle to get it to see SATA drives, and even then after it installs, which I’ve gotten it to do once, it just sits there blinking a cursor and doing nothing. Hopefully I can get 2.6.25 kernel on there somehow. If it’s able to get the LAN working, which according to threads I’m reading it’s not, I can upgrade the kernel in the installation process. I’ll post more as I find out more. I’m currently looking at this and this. Asus’ EZ Flash or whatever is nice though – you can just stick a BIOS update on flash drive, then hit Alt-F2 while booting (or pull it up through the BIOS setup menu) and you can select the update and it’ll eat it.


I got a box! It’s the parts for my grandma’s computer! Specs:

Asus Micro-ATX with onboard nVidia GeForce 8200

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ @ 2.5 GHz

1 GB DDR2 1066 RAM (The motherboard doesn’t support it that fast with an AM2 socket processor, though.)

80 GB Western Digital SATA Hard Drive

Pioneer SATA CD/DVD Burner

So yeah, I’m excited. This is also a wakeup call for me, because what I can put together for $300 bucks is better than either of my current gaming rigs! (Not as far as RAM or HD, but better proccessor and graphics, although admittedly it is an onboard.) I’m going to install Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 GNU/Linux on it. It’ll be an email machine.

In other news: Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion are in Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along!

Oh Well…

I was reading a sysadmin blog, I think it was this one, and it mentioned the importance of documenting your machines, network, and shutdown priority. (what to shutdown first if needed) I did this, and was dismayed to find out that out of my BOINC zombies, although the one I’m using for my server has a large amount of RAM, it does not have the fastest processor. Oh well, it’s working so I don’t think I’ll bother to move it now. I have zoneclient running again after an IP changed and nagged me into doing so… In unrelated news:

Wally wanted it,

Wally got it. This is how Wally wants it to stay.

Driver’s Ed

I passed my driver’s ed test! They made it sound like it was hard, so I read through both the horribly written textbook, the “What Every Driver Should Know” booklet, and the study guide. I passed it, but so did everyone else. I know for a fact that at least two of my fellow test-takers didn’t study, so it makes me feel that I might have wasted my time somewhat. Nice to get it over with anyway. I still have one more hour of driving to go, and I’m not sure what else, then I can get my green certificate of completing segment 1, and go on from there. Something unexpected happened today, though. We got pulled over! (Jimmy was driving.) The car had a licence plate that was four years out of date! Yeep. Mr. DeLeano couldn’t believe the school would let it get that bad. The insurance info in the glovebox was also four years out of date… We didn’t get a ticket, though.

Gordon Food Service

I was really bored, and when I saw a Gordon Food Service truck, I started wondering what else GFS could stand for. Here’s a short list:

  • Gordon File System
  • Gordon Freeman Says
  • Giant F*#@ing Snakes
  • Great Flying Snails
  • Gloubulous Frying Sherry
  • Gordon Frees Sheep
  • Grant Feels Shirts
  • George Flew South
  • Geoff Flattened Shelves
  • Grand Fractures Surprise
  • Glitter Flutters Stealthily
  • Goats Frolic Suddenly
  • Giraffes Fret Solemnly
  • Gargantuan Fragmented Shells

If you can think of more, feel free to add it to the comments!

Categorized as Other

Comcast Followup

Our Internet (and cable, but meh) fixed itself around 4pm. It seems a bit faster, which is nice. I was downloading Ubuntu updates at around 650KB/s. I don’t know if it was just because less people were using the network as they hadn’t realized it was back up, or if there was wear and tear that was fixed along with the damage. I’m looking forward to Google’s ISP throttling detection tools. Given enough users complaining who are suddenly easily able to point to results of their own experiences, Comcast may be able to be nagged into investing some of its hefty profits into expanding its network capacity instead of just sitting on its user base. Looks like they’ve been having these insane (compare to BP and Exxon Mobil for perspective) profit margins for a while. Nope… I don’t think they’re willing to use their profit to improve their services. Given the presumably significant investment they’ve made into Sandvine hardware to molest BitTorrent seeding and other traffic, I doubt even with their terrifyingly healthy profit margins they’d be willing to stop unless required by regulation. I think the whole reason they’re doing this is so they can continue to oversell their network capacity by forcibly cutting down bandwidth use. Part of me wonders just how expensive it would be to upgrade their bandwidth abilities, and if it would really be that much more expensive than installing Sandvine stuff all over the place.

I’m also kinda creeped out because someone working for Comcast found and commented on my previous post less than three hours after it was posted, and assured me that Comcast cares. I have mixed feelings about this. It’s creepy to some extent, but I understand that although the corporation Comcast is acting like a jackass, there are people working for it who really care. It’s to this corporation, not these people, that I extend my anger.

Categorized as Life


My dad’s Comcast cable and (3Mbits? Pfft. Not high-speed) Internet went down last weekend. He still doesn’t have them back. Needless to say, he’s getting pissed, seeing as how his phone service is still just fine, which probably means if he had been on DSL, his Internet would have only been unusable (no DSL modem during power outage) and not down.

We’re looking at Cavalier’s C2. It’s a phone-DSL bundle for $50 a month. I’m extra-excited about this because they’re quoting crazy-good speeds. At my mom’s, it’s 10mb down, 2mb up. At dad’s it’s 15mb down, 6mb up! (Yes, those are all megabits despite at the very least me only really having concepts of file size in megabytes and gigabytes. That’s standard practice for ISPs though.)

So yeah. I hope we switch. We can watch our TV online anyway, what with Comedy Central offering free streams of the Colbert Report, the Daily Show, and South Park, Hulu offering The Office, and ESPN offering streams… I’m hoping Dad agrees we can say goodbye and good riddance to paying Comcast $80$130/month for cable and their glitchy little DVR box.

Categorized as Life


Looks like the GameCube got a bit confused while it was unplugged! Or could it be it’s the only one who remembers the time travel? :p



We metaphorically dodged a bullet, and literally dodged a humongous tree branch!

Even the chairs weren't spared from the wind.

This is the branch.

It got close.

Really close.

So close it wrapped around the end.

Mom takes this as additional evidence as to the existance of God. I’m really conflicted on whether God exists or not, as for just about anything else I can see definate, tangable evidence of it. Mom tells me I should go with what I’ve felt of God to prove the existance of an omnipotent, metaphysical being. Therein lies my conflict. When I was little, I made a little clay crucifix in Sunday school. The priest blessed it. There was a feeling of power in that thing. I went outside church to look for my mother and sister. Then I asked the crucifix. In a surge of energy, I knew just where they were, and looked down to see them waving at me from down the hill in the parking lot. I carried it around after that moment, but it met its prompt end – I think the very same day – when I had it in my back pocket and it fell out and shattered on the cement. It then lost its power.

Categorized as Life