Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

There is an agreement in the works that encourages international copyright enfringement cooperation, makes infringement punishable without a complaint from rightholders, and vastly expands the power of customs to seize suspected infringing material. It also, according to BoingBoing, the outlaws P2P file transfer, regardless of transfered content. This is outrageous. Of course, it also wants ISPs to help, and assures immunity. Disgusting.

Categorized as Politics

Coding, and Bootable CDs

The coding of the final project is going well. I’m adapting our first 3D project – a crate with collision detection that you can jump on – to a crate maze with the addition of crouching, illusionary crates, and external level files. There is currently an anomaly with collision detection where, because of the library I’m using, the player is shaped like a capsule, which is a line segment with a radius coming out of it in all directions. This means that it’s possible to partly fall off an edge and not be able to get back on except by jumping. The instructor has told me that I can combine a box and an infinite column to get the cylinder I want – something he has not yet implemented. I may yet do that, but I should finish the other features first. One interesting bug that I ran into, which seems to be mostly fixed now, is that if I jumped into the bottom of a crate and held jump button, I would not fall, and it would think I was on the ground, which would allow me to float around on the bottom of the crates if I continued holding the button. If I floated off the edge of a box, I would fly upwards. This was because it would check if I was on the ground if, after minusing 150 for gravity, applying the z axis was invalid. If this move was invalid, it took it to mean that we were on the ground. If the velocity was upwards, running into the bottom of a crate would mean this was true. I made it so it checks to see what the velocity is relative to zero. This is fixed, but an upper collision does not absorb upwards momentum, which looks weird. I hope I’ll be able to fix this one too, probably by making a statement checking to see if an upward move is invalid and killing upward momentum if that’s the case.

The server was down due to my own fault once again. I applied updates remotely, and one of them was a kernel upgrade. I had to reboot so it could load the new kernel, and avoid potential module problems if the latest modules are not loaded. Even though I checked after I had run the reboot command, I guess it had been unmounted by that time, as I had left a bootable CD in the drive, which the machine happily booted into. My mom was nice enough to take out the CD and reboot it for me. I really should change the BIOS boot order to hard drive first, but I’m hoping I won’t have to use this Pentium 3 box as a server for much longer.


We have two fans in our dorm room, one a ground fan and the other an oscillating upright fan. The upright has power and speed LEDs. If you look at the speed and power lights straight on, they’re both solid, but if you look at the lights through the spinning blade, the speed light appears to flicker, while the power does not. Weird.

Also, massive subject change, but if you’re in for an hour-or-so long interesting and inspiring lecture, (By, sadly, a professor who died Friday,) click thusly: O_O;

What was that?! Too much coding. I ended a sentence with a semicolon. I’m leaving that in…


The C++ class was overwhelming. We’re being given a library to make pong with many of the functions stripped out so we have to write them ourselves. It’s strange to be dumped in the middle of someone else’s code…

Also, I got to play Dota, (which I sucked at) and Counter-Strike 1.6. (in which I was rank 18 of 200!)

Categorized as Life

CAEN Again!

So yeah, I’m waiting for 7:30 so I can go to breakfast. Class should be cool – we’re going to do graphics. It’s with DirectX according to the class description, so I may have to learn the more cross-platform OpenGL on my own. I hope they aren’t too different… My roommate Jamie has a DS flash cartridge and has cloned an old game on it. It’s pretty sweet.

Categorized as Life

Back From Canada!

I got back from Canada on the 11th. In Canada, they ask if you want gravy with your fries, or ketchup with your eggs. Some of their roads are pinkish. They have lots of heather. Many do say “about” like “aboot,” but the only person I met that really said “eh!” was my grandma’s friend Tom. We went up in the CN tower’s spinny dining room. It was awesome and the food was really good, but it was $50 per-person. The science museum had a hallway where they dampened the sound 10Dbs with holes in the walls and weird-shaped foam things. That was cool. There was also this thing where they let you control one of two frequencies and you had to try and get them to form a circle on the occiloscope. I got it to a slowly turning oval, but not past that.

Categorized as Life


We’re going to Toronto! I’ve never been out of the US before, so it’ll be interesting to go through the infamous border security. I’m leaving today, and I’ll be back by the 12th. From what I’ve heard of Canada, I really like it. Their socialist democracy is working wonders. Do want.

Categorized as Life


I like my bike. It’s a Scott hybrid – not a mountain bike, not a road bike – a comfortable middle ground. I like it, coasting along briskly is very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble using it, not because of the bike, but because my hips don’t have enough range of motion to easily pedal. 🙁

Categorized as Life


Grandma’s machine is working now. I went out to Discount PC Outlet and got, literally, a $10 used (Creative Soundblaster Live!) sound card. I popped in the new card, disabled the onboard one in BIOS, and the card worked flawlessly on boot. I literally didn’t have to do a thing. I have the thing hardened thanks to Firestarter. Nmap just looks at it and shrugs. Compare this to a firewalled (the built in one :\ ) Windows machine where Nmap finds two open ports lists at 100% certainty that the machine is running XP SP2, which is correct.

I also learned something accidentally today, which is sometimes the very best way to learn. I had forgotten to plug the speakers back into the alarm, yet it got me up anyway. I was confused, and told the alarm to play music again only to discover it had an internal speaker! o_O You learn something every day, I guess.