
I hope I’ll be able to learn my lesson this time: if it’s assigned more than one in advance, it’ll take more than an hour to do it. I stayed up until 1:30AM to finish an econ essay, and I will have Spanish vocab studying, a Brit Lit essay, and whatever else I get today for after school. Bleh.

The Left 4 Dead demo is set to release sometime today, and the Valve server admin mailing list is spazzing out because Valve announced there will no longer be a server browser in Left 4 Dead – servers will be added to a pool of available ones, and people will be matchmake’d into them. The only control over settings server admins will have is the MOTD and a banner image. They’ve said they’re taking the piles of feedback into concideration, though, so hopefully a traditional server browser will be included. The reason they get loads of servers for only the cost of software distribution is because people get to put up a server for themselves, and they control it, call it home, and are able to possibly get a better experience if they upgrade their servers. In a pure matchmaking setting? Doesn’t seem like it. I want to be able to pick the server I play on.


Oblivion still exists. Sadly Bethesda doesn’t seem to have improved the engine much for Fallout 3 – the characters still move jerkily, and the voiceacting still leaves much to be desired.

I finished the Theives’ Guild quest. It was pretty epic and the ending gives you very, very nice things. I’m also in the Dark Brotherhood now, and the quests are kinda depressing. OOO upped the amount of gold that was required to be fenced to a whopping 15,000! I had to go down lines of shops and houses stealing anything worth money that I could get to. I got it, though. There are lots of vistas – I mean that in the sense of breathtaking view, not in an operating system full of fail – to catch one’s eye.

In other news, I’m waiting for the impending school to happen, I’m working on a HL2DM map of my house, and I have confirmed that Oblivion uses nav nodes. Which is bad. Also, I called Cavalier (for C2) and a high-level tech was able to confirm that they don’t do any filtering or blocking. W00T!

EDIT: Thanks to Ryan, I am now able to begin moving my machines downstairs into the nice, cool basement! ^^ I am happy! He helped by putting an end on the ubercable that comes down from upstairs where the Intertubes come in.

School Again

Only three days in and it feels as if break never happened… It was nice while it lasted, and it didn’t help that I was sick over half of it. Oh well.

I have all my Linux boxes getting the correct time from t3h Internets on a daily basis. It’s way easer than I would have thought – in /etc/cron.daily/ put a script named ntpdate (for human readability, I would think) with the line ntpdate <server name>.

The <server name> is the domain name of a time server. AT&T runs two at ntp1.sbcglobal.net and ntp2.sbcglobal.net, and Ubuntu has one at the logical ntp.ubuntu.com. I’ve noticed severe drift in the time on all my Linux boxes, so hopefully this’ll sort things out. Instead of a daily update, there’s also an option to run ntpd, which will use up some resources, but correct the time constantly.

Categorized as School

Homework Annoys Me

I just finished a paper, only to find that I had been approaching it the wrong way and it was supposed to be a current event. This means I have to rewrite the whole paper more or less from scratch. I wouldn’t mind homework in lighter loads, and at current levels I could take three or four classes worth of homework, but five is just too much. I can hardly imagine what people under heavier loads have to go through.

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Four Down, Two to Go

I studied from the wrong guide for US History. Oh well.

3 hours left…

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Two Down, Four to Go

Well, first and second hour finals went smoothly. Now I have to familiarize myself with loads of US History terms and memorize equations for math.

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Counting Down…

Well, I’m now able to say we barely have double digit hours left in school. 15:30! W00t! Too bad the final 9 hours will be the hardest (I think) of the year.

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Passwords Fixed and Crunch Time

I fixed the passwords last Friday. It turned out I had the apache2.conf looking for /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords when it should have been apache2. File transfer can now be accessed. Web stats are now accessible here for those interested.

In school news, I’m sure I’m not the only one starting to feel the finals squeeze. The year’s wrapping up and pressure is ramping up as we prepare for the tests… of DOOM. (Pat.) I’m watching my gaming time dwindle away, and it’s being replaced with time in which I’m putting off the studying I know I need to do. Writing that made me need to go study…

ACT Test!

Well, I’ve just finished the ACT test around half an hour ago. It was a doozy. I can’t remember ever being mentally tired before while my body was still chipper. It was a nice break from the routine of getting up at noon and getting straight on World of Warcraft, though. 🙂

Categorized as School