Starting an assignment at 9PM is a bad sign…
Author: Steve Dougherty
Server Problems
I like the sound of pouring rain… relaxing.
Anyways, I’ve managed to break the server in a way that won’t effect you, because the web and Ventrilo servers remain untouched. I messed up my drivers to the point I am unable to start anything but a text-only interface. Today I might just back everything up and install Debian Etch… No data loss expected, I’ll back up onto a partition.
How Windows Managed to Get Me Up at 3AM
Behold the pile of steaming vaporware that is Windows! Were it not for a stupid court decision, Windows would have been deemed breach of copyright and we’d all be using Macs or Linux right now. A much brighter future. Microsoft was originally a 3rd party software writer for Mac, who they then ripped off. Don’t get me started on that one.
Now – onto HOW this rotting pile of code got me up. In second hour today Laura decided to forcibly borrow my watch, and I didn’t mind. I should have known better, as at this moment I can only remember two times when she actually returned a pencil she borrowed from me. She promised to give it back after 3rd hour, which did not happen. Can’t say I’m that surprised, as the presses would not be stopped if everyone in the room was just glad to get out of proximity from Sholler. I remembered by the time I had reached the AB intersection, (coming from lower D) and I stopped and searched but to no avail. I spent the rest of the day scouring my surroundings for Laura so I could get my watch back, but did not see her.
Because my watch has alarms which I use to get up at 6:30AM, I needed to secure a way to have my computer (that I have in my room) get me up at the appropriate time. A few seconds of Googling found me what I was looking for. (Seriously – third result on my first query, which I was able to click on first luckily. That was awesome.) The thing had the option of making beeps or playing music from a file or CD when the alarm went off, I chose to have it play “What Would Brian Biotano Do?” at 6:30AM Friday, so I left my speakers on.
When I first configured, I set Windows Update to automatically update this sad excuse for a PC (eMachine >.< “You bought an eMachine?! I wouldn’t STEAL an eMachine!” <-WOS General Chat) at 3AM – seemed reasonable, except for that I don’t usually leave the computer on overnight when I’m sleeping in the room, and I don’t think I’ve ever left the speakers on overnight before while I was there. So, maybe 5-10 minutes after 3AM I vaguely hear the XP logout sound effect. I get up, I don’t know – XP sounds nothing like the glory of Brian Boitano. Needless to say, I’ve turned off automatically installing updates now. We should all use Linux, then people would sell games for it. Linux doesn’t nag about updates or RESTART ITSELF AT 3AM THE ONE TIME YOU WERE COUNTING ON IT TO DO SOMETHING USEFUL!!
EDIT: Sorry for the rage, it made sense in context when it got me up at 3AM…
The Ultimate Paradox
Boo! Time change!
Well, I can’t sleep and have been up from around 2:24 AM, it’s 5:50 AM now. Stupid time change. I figure I might as well study, post this, work on the server, and read up on some Linux stuff. I always welcome Spanish studying, it’s the only subject I have to study for. I can’t waffle with vague English language in a Spanish essay. Works for all the other classes I blank out in. :p
I’ve been giving thought to creating a Dystopia clan. One of the main reasons that that a clan would be awesome is that Dystopia teams require either a highly incompetent (or nonexistent) enemy or tight organization and cooperation to succeed, not to mention total understanding of the map layout, objectives, and any possible backcapping.
After setting up a TeamSpeak server that was operational but failed the “usable at all” test, I set up a Ventrilo one. I haven’t tested Ventrilo (which was way easier to get working and administrate) the same way, but I intend to soon enough.
In other news, Linux is still awesome. ^^ SSH FTW
The Cat Came Back
Better version here on the official Canadian Film thing.
Wow. Lots of homework. Argh.
Forum transfer complete!
I said I was going to do it, and I did it.
The forums are now running on SMF, with no loss of data. All passwords, posts, private messages, signatures, etc. are intact. The only problem I’ve noticed is that if you are initially unable to log in, you will need to delete your cookies from this site. On Firefox this would be Tools>Options>Show Cookies. Then in the search box put phpbb2asksteved_data and delete all cookies you see there. Or you could just Tools>Clear Private Data>Cookies. That should fix it.
Possible Forum Upgrade
It’s been brought to my attention that this is better than my current forum software, phpBB. Were I to transfer, I would use one of the converters provided so that no data would be lost. Let me know what you think either via email or in the comments. It might happen today depending on when I get my homework done.
Gregori’s site can be found here. He’s hosting it on his own machine, I just set up a domain name for him against his wishes.
Apparently there’s a site that if you put specific code into a page, it will feed spam bots gibberish. I thought I’d try it. At the moment, I don’t have access to my server except through the web so I’ve crudely put the link in the forum header description. I’ll put it here too.